Human Foods Dogs Can't Eat
Dog owners could get tempted to give their cute fur babies all sorts of foods. Dogs can easily persuade their owners to offer them some foods which then turns out not to be favorable to them. Dog owners should be diligent when giving their dogs some feeds. Some foods are toxic to dogs. Even if the food does not react immediately to the dog, it could be forming an internal problem which may eventually cause its death and consequently, permanent loss of the dog.Some of the foods that animal eats and dogs should not eat are as follows.
Chocolate. Chocolate contains something known as theobromine which is not harmful to human beings, but it is very toxic, fatal and deadly to dogs. As much as we are tempted to give our dogs some chocolate treats, it can be the cause of its death. Chocolate causes the dog to vomit, experience cardiac failure, have seizures and tremors and a sad eventuality of mortality.
Bacon and other salty foods. These make the dog get extremely thirsty. In response to this thirst, dogs drink a lot of water causing a bloated stomach. It can be the reason for the loss of your dog.
Garlic and onions. These, if fed in small quantities over the long term can destroy the red blood cells of the dog and thus lead to anemia. It Can eventually cause death to your dog, learn more here!
Grapes and raisins. These foods can be very deadly in the long term. They cause renal failure and thus the dog is unable to use its kidney. To gain more knowledge on how to find the right food for your dog, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog.
Raw dough. When baking your yeast, do not give it to your dog. It will cause poisoning and eventual death. Candy and chewing gum are not good for dogs. This is because it leads to liver failure. Signs of this include vomiting, seizures, and loss of life, visit here!
However, some human foods are very healthy for dogs. A dog owner should only feed the dog with feeds that have been accepted and prescribed by a qualified and well experienced veterinary officer. Meat for dogs should be appropriately and hygienically cooked to ensure that all toxins are killed in the process.
Dogs can comfortably eat bread. However, it should be given the right quantity of food. It should not overfeed with bread.
Cooked chicken can be mixed with other dog foods. It is very healthy for dogs.
Professional advice from qualified veterinaries should be followed to the latter as dogs are different. Different dogs react differently to different foods.